Friday, August 22, 2008

Tag! I'm It!

I got tagged by Marni.

3 Joys

-Getting letters from Brandon! (who by the way left for the Dominican Republic yesterday; I got to talk to him on the phone! and although I bawled my eyes out afterward, it was totally worth it. anyway, back to letters.) Nothing compares to the joy when you open the mailbox and there's a letter in there- for you!

-Dancing with Alex. Handicapped kids are the bomb! I count him as one of my all-time best friends. And he's such a good dancer. ;)

-Laying on the grass. It's so relaxing. I love it whether I'm with the neighborhood laughing or playing mafia (yeah Susan Circle!!), or if I'm just alone doing absolutely nothing!

3 Fears

-Creepy crawling insects and or arachnids. Shudder. I used to have nightmares where they were crawling all over me, and I'd claw my face to get them off. Sick.

-Windows at night. when the lights are on you can't see out of them, but anyone or anything can see in.

-Hagfish and Lampreys. Just look at them. what's not to fear?

3 Goals

-finish college and get married in the temple.

-visit africa.

-Eventually have flat abs. :)

3 Current obsessions

-Fountain pens. Even the dullest of things seem interesting when written with a fountain pen.

-Singing in the shower and dancing in the rain!

-Teaching myself random skills. The most recent being crocheting. And soon to come... carving!

3 Random Facts

-I play the bagpipes (although I haven't done it for a few years)

-I had never had a hamburger until Brandon made me eat one about a year ago. I still have only had 2.

-um... I've been to seven different countries in Europe on a tour last summer.
I tag Mom, Cali, and Lindsey.


Lindsey said...

TJ if you don't have flat abs, then I don't know if there is such a thing... ;) I hate creepy crawly things too! I'm glad you got to talk to Brandon!

Emily said...

You are too cute for words Taylor! I agree with you completely on your fears, especially the windows...I hate dark windows.

Cali Hinckley said...

Taylor! post something!! If I didn't live with you I'd think you had fallen off the earth! :)